Where oh Where has Democracy Gone

It is often said that politicians tell us what we want to hear. In the case of George W. Bush he tells us what he wants us to believe. There is of course a fundamental difference. President Bush would just as soon not tell the American people anything and just have US accept that which he is doing with blind obedience. However, we are Americans and by our very nature we question everything. The difficulty lies when those we do trust misrepresent that which is taking place. This all relates to the ongoing war in Iraq.

The media has not reported the truth to We the American people. They have either been cowed by this administration or intimidated by them; But, they have not been strident enough in their reporting and filtering of the facts to give a real idea of what was happening or where it would lead. So here we are almost four years into an unnecessary conflict. That has killed thousands of Americans who believe(d) that they were doing their duty and protecting this great nation. I would use the word farce, but that somehow implies humor. This is not a farce. It is a foible on a monumental scale.

I have heard that the democrats have no plan for Iraq and that we must stay the course. That to leave now, would lead to a blood bath and an unstable middle east. That the President's plan must be given a chance to work. That is so wrong on at least two different levels. The first being; The presidents current surge (escalation) has been done at least four times prior. The only results being an increase in American casualties. Will it work this time? We are supposed to wait six months and give it a chance. This is another level of deception. The six month time period is the real catch phrase of this war. It has been used over and over again. Every time something is tried in Iraq we are told six months will make the difference. Hold elections and give it six months. Write a constitution and wait six months. Pass another spending bill and spend another Billion dollars a month for another six months. We, America, are four years into this catastrophe six months at a time.

The real plan that President Bush has, that makes all of the talk and posturing feeble, is quite simply that He (Bush) is going to leave this for the next President. He said as much a year and a half ago, maybe more. He told the American people that when we got out of Iraq was left up to the next President. That is his plan. This man, President George Walker Bush, has never finished anything that he has started. This Presidency is a shining example of the give up mentality that has plagued his life and is now burdening the good citizens of this country.


Michael Sherer

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