Who Else?


Retired military leaders who served in Iraq and under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield are calling for his resignation because of his mishandling of the war in Iraq. I was surprised that some Bush cronies are fighting back by claiming that these former generals shouldn’t speak out against the administration.

I realize that without the Bill of Rights no one in the US would be safe speaking against the government, and that as an American I had the right to speak my opinion even if I was wrong.

I didn’t earn this right. I’m lucky to live under a government that provides it. I am not even much of an expert on very much. I always figured that using the First Amendment was a good habit, so I speak even when I don’t have much to say, so that might annoy people who disagree with me.

But who are these guys who are criticizing retired generals who served in the Iraqi War? If retired generals can be painted as unpatriotic for speaking out, than what chance does an average person like me have at freedom of speech?

Nancy Sherer



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