

Many years ago a woman in a cocktail lounge said something- I can’t remember what- then exclaimed what a great title that her remark would be for a book. When I asked her if she was a writer, she replied, no, but she had a lot of great ideas for book titles. If someone wrote a book, any book, she could think of a title for it.

I have never been much for coming up with catchy titles, but I am very good at turning ideas into finished books. Authors usually have working titles that are changed around once the editing process begins, but I rarely can think of more than one possibility. I guess that after writing a hundred thousand words about something, my idea's on the subject cease.

I was recently talking to an agent who said she knew a lot of people who were idea factories. Because I know how much work it is to get from an idea to a finished product, I don’t think the term is complimentary.

I have a lot more ideas than I could ever act on, so I always have more than one project going at a time. Usually it works out that one project is the ‘real’ one and the others just end up as distractions. But distractions have their uses, also.

Like this blog. I can use it to clear stray thoughts from my brain, put them in little snippets, and send them off into the ether, which is where such things belong along with titles created in cocktail lounges.

Nancy Sherer



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