Republican dirty tricks


Should Republicans determine Democrats’ Presidential Candidate?

Saturday is a big day for Florida because a Republican majority in their legislature determined that the Democratic Presidential Primary would be held earlier than the Democratic National Committee would allow. That’s right, folks. Republicans are the reason that the Democrats' votes in Florida haven’t been counted. How surprising is that? In spite of all the news coverage concerning Florida's delegates, this basic fact is never cited.

What about Michigan? Well, I’m not clear on how everything proceeded in that state because only one house (the Senate) is controlled by Republicans. Why hasn’t the media filled us in on how and why Michigan voted early? Several networks have been covering this primary for endless hours repeating non-information over and over, but never mentioning some basic information about why Michigan voted early. Surely someone knows.

Are the Democrats in Michigan just stupid? Is it a state of scofflaws? What were they thinking to flaunt a rule that meant their votes would be meaningless. The media is silent on the subject.

If it is in any way for the same reason as Florida’s rule-breaking vote, Republicans are involved.

Nancy Sherer



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