New World View


Alan Greenspan testified before Congress today about his role in the banking breakdown. He said he could not understand any reason why it had happened. The only way he could make sense of it was to change his world view, which he has done.

Good for him. I know that it goes against human nature to acknowledge that the way you have defined reality all your life was in error. Admitting error about one issue or another is hard enough, but to discover that your entire philosophy needs examination is a challenge that most people just can’t handle.

What world view did he leave behind? The view that greed and selfishness works. A lot of books have been written defending and advancing this point of view. I suspect that Greenspan once wore the gold dollar sign that is a symbol of Ayn Rand’s shrugging Atlas.

Greenspan might want to consider this as he perfects his new world view. Greed and selfishness are destructive behaviors. That’s why we regulate them.

Nancy Sherer



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