Progressive mandate


I can understand the relief Americans feel that racism did not defeat Barack Obama. I was one of those people who believed that Americans would never elect a minority candidate as President.

However, after the first wave of relief that he was judged by the content of his character, we need to rememeber exactly why Obama was the best man for the job. In spite of how the news media is presenting this election as a referendum on race, it was really a referendum on political philosophies.

Barack Obama’s clear, straight forward progressive political views are the only way to rebuild our middle class. He his campaign was a rejection of the ‘enlightened self-interest’ of Ayn Rand’s politics of greed.

The media and what is left of the Republican Party is trying to warp President-elect Obama’s promise. He said he would look at solutions regardless of where they come from. “They’ say he promised to be bi-partisan. Even left-wing commentator Racheal Maddow mushes the difference between Obama’s ‘non-partisan’ into ‘bi-partisan.’

Before the Progressive mandate is redefined and garbled, we have to speak out clearly. The Republican policies have left us bankrupt and despised, at war and in fear. Rejecting those principles is why we voted not only for Barack Obama, but for Democrats down the ticket.

President-elect Barack Obama represents all the core principles that Progressive Democrats strongly believe will restore America’s greatness. That’s why we elected him.

Oh, and by the way, he is black.

Nancy Sherer



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