Sherman's March through our 401Ks


Most people think I’m joking when I say I get my news from Comedy Central, or they are offended and outraged at the ignorance of (me) the American people who think that The Daily Show and The Colbert Report do anything of any importance.

Those are people who didn’t watch, breathless from Colbert’s courage, the 2006 White House Correspondence Dinner program. Now that we know for a fact that the Bush Administration believed it had the right to disappear American citizens, and that Cheney very likely ran an assassination squad, look back at that show (available on the internet) and tell me that Colbert doesn’t belong in history books with Patrick Henry.

But now I’d like to point out that The Daily Show of March 12, 2009 was in no way funny. It didn’t try to be. What it was- a punch in the gut to CNBC. Jon Stewart didn’t even try to make jokes as he interviewed Jim Kramer (from CNBC Mad Money) about his complicity in stealing money from long term investors. Stewart looked Kramer in the eye and said, “You f***ing knew....”

“Hardball” “Meet the Press” “Face the Nation” and “60 Minutes” show some guts and do your interviews with the honesty and courage shown by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Nancy Sherer



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