What are little girls made of?


Sometimes I am so pithy that readers think I’m making things up.

Recently I talked to someone who thought that I was pulling ‘sugar’ out of nowhere in my blog where I state that every bit of life on earth beginning as a molecule of sugar. Thanks to the wonders of search engines I have once more traced this simple information back, with the help of the Rosetta Stone of chemistry- my husband.

It goes like this: From chlorophyll being struck by a photon which changes water and carbon dioxide to sugar to nucleotides to RNA and DNA to variants of sugar molecules into amines and carboxyl to protein, or in towards a different product of other sugars, starches, oils, and fats. Yes, some sugars pick up nitrogen and other chemicals, but sugar is the first ingredient of all life.

If you decide to look this up yourselves, note that chemists have a shorthand for carbon-based molecules which they decipher depending on how many energy bonds they see. So if you see an unnamed structure in a molecule, check the formula for number of carbons, then refer back to the diagram.

Of course everyone knows that all life on earth is carbon-based life form. Every molecule of the carbon that we are made of began as a carbon dioxide molecule transformed by photosynthesis into sugar made of six carbons, twelve hydrogens, and six oxygens.

Now isn’t that sweet?

Nancy Sherer



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