Ayn Rand's Dilemma


Rumor has it that a local land speculator attempted suicide last week when investors began asking for their money back. I don’t know it the rumor is true, but I know the speculator- or to use the more popular euphemism, ‘developer’- was an Ayn Rander.

For those who are unfamiliar with Ayn Rand, her philosophy was selfishness is virtue, the poor leach off the rich, and the rich are the cream of the species.

My belief is just the opposite. The most admirable, the most accomplished, the best of us, are those who are beneficent. Selfishness is self-defeating and evil.

Now what happens when someone who buys into the philosophy of selfishness finds himself at the bottom of the pile? Our local speculator, along with all those clients that shared his creed of greed, has evidence that he wasn’t special enough after all, that he is at the bottom of the economic ladder in spite of worshiping selfishness. Rethink his philosophy, or commit suicide?

What would Ayn Rand think about him? ‘Tough luck, loser,’ of course.

My thoughts about him? Tough luck, loser.

Nancy Sherer



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