Orange Food


Lake Whatcom has an algae bloom. Since that is our city’s water source, the algae clogs the filters which cost a lot of money to clean so the city is now restricting water use. Fair enough, or it would be if the city government had given any thought as to how to implement water restrictions. What it came up with is pretty silly. For instance, don’t water plants, but children’s’ Slip ‘n Slides are okay.

The notice goes on and on, which is a subject all on its own, but because there are so many poorly thought-out provisions, I found myself awake at three in the morning unable to stop laughing about them until I wrote a letter to the city to find out if they realized how silly they sounded. I also included a plea that watering zucchini be illegal.

But hours later, I am still wide awake and chuckling. Since algae blooms aren’t really that funny, I figure it must be the cantaloupe I had for dinner. Orange food. I always forget how carrots, cantaloupe, squash, and pumpkin pie always do this to me. Not that I mind, but since everyone else is asleep, and my letter to the water department is finished, I have nothing left to do but tell myself jokes, which isn’t that satisfying since I already know the punch lines.

Maybe I should use this energy to write a note to the county government. I’m sure if I checked, they would be up to something deserving of my opinion. I know they want a pay raise which I think would only encourage them to spend more time at their jobs, and nobody needs that. Okay, I’m off and running.

Nancy Sherer



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