Too Wet to Plow


Lately thoughts have been flitting through my head like chickadees through an apple orchard. So instead of trying to catch just one, I'll give you glimpse of several.

Item: Yesterday I received a forwarded attachment about a news item that appeared to be accurate and current. It wasn't until I reflected on it that I realized it was fake. A quick double check of a vague memory (thanks to Google), and I verified that the video clip was not just misleading, but an intentional deception. While we've been warned about trusting internet information, this was a new one to me. An old news clip that might have been accurate at some time in the past used to prejudice people about a different current event.

Web sites like Snopes are helpful in weeding out some of this stuff, but we all have to help. Lately I've been editing Wikipedia, so you might want to check back about things you thought you knew.

Item: Why does the county council only approve residential developments that resemble rabbit hutches? Whether it's units of apartments stacked one on top of another or a warren of dwelling units that twist and huddle around cul de sacs, uniformity is the law- or at least the zoning code.

Item: Why does everything that passes as comedy sound like it is improv from eighth grade locker rooms? I understand that comedians learn their trade at low dives where the drunken crowds want to hear jokes about what is on their minds- puking, peeing, making love alone, and how nasty women are. But most people, most of the time, are not thinking blue. Last night when Jay Leno was expected to present G rated material at the correspondents' dinner, he couldn't come up with anything remotely clever- and he had politics and press to use as fodder.

And one more thing. If I put plastic flowers on my bushes, they would be pretty all summer long.

Nancy Sherer



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