Birds and Phish


I play games on a social network site, specifically Facebook. I know that it's free because Fb wants to sell advertising to me. As one critic put it, the users are the product. So knowing details about me is really important. Most of the questions are subtle, but put together a click about the United States flag or using herbs to cure arthritis and advertisers know more about who I am and what I'm likely to buy.

There are lots of quizzes, like you find in teenage fad magazines. Who were you in your past life, what color is your aura, should it be a crime to burn the flag?

So I'm standing here in front of the window as I write this and, no kidding, a grosbeak gets it head stuck in my squirrel-proof bird feeder. I wish I had a 'click here' function so readers could tell me if they are more interested in the bird or phishing on Facebook.

No? Okay.

So the other day I had the option of clicking to put a pink ribbon on my Fb page to show that I was in favor of curing cancer. Many of my Fb friends certainly were. Does that mean if I don't click it I might be hindering the cause? Seemed phishy that a click could help fight cancer, so I passed it by. But I do care about curing cancer. Does caring in a virtual reality do much good? Does virtual caring move me towards real action in the cancer fighting movement? I know that it answers profiling questions for Fb to sell to it's paying customers- the advertisers.

Now that the grosbeak has worked its head out of the bird feeder, will it come back? Check back tomorrow if you care.

Nancy Sherer



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