Food Fights


I'm not a picky eater. But then I'm not much of a cook, so maybe there's a connection there. Anyway, when it comes to food, I eat what's around and quit when I'm done.

I like some foods more than others. Love fruit, don't love vegetables. Love potatoes, don't love beans. Love garlic butter enough to use escargot to dip it up, but have found that there are lots more pleasant things to dip with.

Most people have much stronger food affiliations than I do. Jerry will not eat any sandwich that has both bacon and cheese. My youngest brother doesn't like peaches and doesn't like peach eaters. I can understand preferences. I would rather not eat liver, but so what?

Today the unusual topic of Lima beans came up. I've eaten two Lima beans in my life and have decided to choose something else instead. But much to my surprise, Lima bean eaters feel compelled to change my mind. Baby Lima beans, delicious in certain recipes! I'm told. Ripened Lima beans are called butter beans, which if true, makes me wonder why anyone eats them green.

That people jump to the defense of Lima beans is odd. Reminds me of the old line about protesting too much. If there is any pleasant way of eating Lima beans, why don't you ever see them in gourmet restaurants? Why would a kind of food need defending anyway?

Oh, I really know why. They've found a way to choke it down, and now want me to do it too. I still don't care one way or the other. As long as there's plenty of garlic butter.

Nancy Sherer



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