

When we were out for dinner last night I realized that men should not use the word 'rascal' unless they are referring to small children or animals. It sounds weird regardless of the context.

During the cold weather I noticed that there is no way of wearing a cardigan sweater that doesn't make me look old.

In the overgrown Andromeda bush outside my living room window, a solitary pigeon resides. Is it possible that a pigeon can get lost? I thought they had some kind of navigational system that helped them find home, which I thought was how they earned the epithet, 'homing pigeon.'

It is alone, and I have no idea when it comes out to eat, but it has been there for a couple of months. Typically they are a flocking bird. I wonder if it got blown off course during one of the extreme winter winds.

I often have passing thoughts like this. I used to wonder why more people don't talk about these things until I saw the Nova Science Now special that showed brain scans of how different people respond to the same things. Apparently we all live in a somewhat separate reality depending on our personal brain function interprets the messages from our senses.

I am worried about the pigeon being all alone. The neighborhood cats can be real rascals. And I don't care if I look old, it's too cold to go without a sweater.

Nancy Sherer



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