

I've been looking for a new hobby, and decided to take up writing poetry. After a little research I decided Haiku sounded highbrow enough.

Once again, I need you to bear with me while I fill in some details. I had to look this up, so I figure nobody else knows it either.

Haiku is a supposedly strict form of poetry that is based on simplicity and yearning. The first and last line have five syllables each, and the middle line has seven.

That is where the strict form ends however. The poet is free to use any word in the language of their choice, so coming up with a dozen words out of over six hundred thousand available isn't very challenging. I felt that a more limited vocabulary would be a better test of poetic ability so I wrote the following Haiku using only words from my grocery list.

Cucumbers, milk, eggs,

Ramen noodles, oatmeal, bread,

No Spagettios.

Nancy Sherer



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