Flower Freckles


You all know how annoyed I get with nature, so you might wonder why I picked all the tulip buds from my yard and put them in a glass in the kitchen window before you even ask yourself why does she have tulip buds to pick in the first place?

Two good questions because I am, indeed, allergic to tulips. I found this out years ago after touring the tulip fields of Skagit Valley. We took lots of photos of the flowers for no good reason, and several pictures of flowers with me. That was how I found out that tulips cover my face in bright red dots. I must have looked like I had the measles.

Why didn't Jerry didn't tell me at the time? Don't change the subject.

Deer wander through my yard all time so I would never be stupid enough to plant tulips. (I always heave a sigh when I see people new to the neighborhood plant hundreds of dollars worth of tulip bulbs. I could have told them not to, but they never asked.) My tulips hitch hiked on a lilac bush that I got from Mom. Over the years, a couple of plants have spread quite nicely, but I rarely get to see them bloom.

This year I felt a little snitty about it so I cut them all yesterday even though Jerry didn't think they would open up in water. Well, they have. Apparently some of my tulips are orange and some are sort of a lavender purply color. My cheeks burn and my chin itches, but at least the deer didn't get them.

Jerry is allergic to flowers also, but after the tulip field photos, he doesn't dare complain.

Nancy Sherer



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