Delay, Distract, Avoid


Wikileaks founder, Assange, calls Facebook the most effective spy agency ever. So I got to thinking, what do they know about me based on my posts?

First, I've tried playing several games, but ended up with only two. From that will the profilers conclude that I just can't be counted on to follow through or that I don't have enough patience to wait for my computer to download? Okay, so they might have figured me out there, but what does it really tell anyone? I wonder what a profiler would make of the fact that I haven't gone beyond level 80 in Farmville, even though I've been playing for over a year. And why do I insist on writing personal “thank you's” when I get a special foal off the newsfeed? Do I really post all my special eggs or do I get lazy and click past them? And why do I 'like' all those watering cans?

What I am a little embarrassed about, and since “they' know, you might as well also, is that I lose twice as many Lexulous games as I win. In my defense, I get way more i's and u's than is fair.

There is other personal information that might be gleaned from Facebook and that is that it is a great avoidance tool. Grass to mow? That reminds me I have to harvest those roses I planted last night. Clean bathrooms? Just as soon as I figure out how to form i,i,i,u,u,i into a word. Anytime I am awake and ready to function, I can turn to Facebook (aka Fb) and delay the chores of everyday life.

Sometimes while I click away on those pink exclamation marks above my chickens and horses gathering points that I can trade in for cartoon picture furnishings for my farm, I wonder at how easily I am distracted by meaningless data. I also wonder why any farmer would collect feathers and horsehair, but as long as they give me points for it, I'll respond.

Every time I log onto to Fb, I am greeted by a message that says the system has detected that my e-mail address is no longer valid. I guess they don't know as much about me as they think.

Nancy Sherer



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