Deja vous


(I'd like to start out by apologizing for any misspelling of French words. I didn't take the time to look them up because I don't have one of those accent marks that are necessary anyway, so I figured what the heck? but I'm sure you know what I mean.)

The air is heavy with pollen these days which means that my ears are plugged up which means that I will experience random moments of deja vous.

Some scientists explain this eerie feeling as a processing lapse in the brain. What I know for sure is that it only happens to me when I am having some kind of difficulty with my ears.

For instance, once after a long flight in a droning airplane, my brother took me to a marketplace in a huge, starkly-lit, echoing warehouse. I stumbled around for five or ten minutes trying to reconcile my memory and reality.

Or the time I dashed down a long, metal and concrete stairwell to my first shift on a new job. I had to stop halfway while the feeling that I was 'remembering' instead of experiencing that moment dissipated.

Or when I went shopping in my regular old grocery store in spite of a head cold that plugged my ears. At the salad case I go to every week, I got deja vous. But it wasn't a memory. It was a distortion. A false memory that I was in a time lapse. But it is the sense of wonder that accompanied the memory that stopped me in my tracks.

That's what is so eerie about the feeling. I know that it's a brain hiccup, but feeling overwhelms me anyway.

I read once that our brain has over a dozen different places where it processes (maps?) sound. Maybe that's why I get the sensation every time pollen fuzzes my hearing. Last night, while I was fixing dinner, it was especially disorienting because I had deja vous about the exact same deja vous. A double ja vous? Or deux ja vous?

But I thought if anyone has only heard about it, but never experienced it, they might like to try some strategies to feel what it is all about. Next time you are all stuffed up with a head cold, spin around in a circle until you are dizzy. Chances are you will get a mystic feeling of being outside of time and space. Or you will just fall down and hurt yourself which will give you a non-mystic feeling of 'why didn't I just stay in bed?'

Nancy Sherer



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