There Once Was a Writer Called Nancy


Since I started on the Snow Goose articles, (that you might have noticed on the front page of Salmonriver) I've been slacking off on my blogs. Next month is write a novel month and I am going to give it a shot. But even more pressure is open mike night at Village Books.

Most of what gets covered at open mike night is poetry, which means strings of adjectives are very carefully not-rhymed because for modern poets, that just isn't done. I believe that if you can't bother to come up with a rhyme or two, why call it a poem? It's more of a long sentence.

But next open mike is a week before Halloween, and I think I will present some gruesome limericks. Although I write limerick-like poems all the time, a true limerick is supposed to have a dirty subtext. Or just plain dirty words. I'm not sure who the rule keeper on limericks is. Anyway, I figure with all the open graves on Halloween, I should be able to come up with something dirty and still not offend the Canadian immigrant or the slightly confused lbrary helper.

The upshot of all this is, blogs are getting neglected. I'll try harder.

Nancy Sherer



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