Carol of the Calories


From October through Christmas, my house fills up with high calorie junk food. I keep things moderately controlled after Halloween by having Jerry haul away excess candy the day after trick 'n treaters. And there is a lot to get rid of because although we might get thirty goblins and princesses knocking at our door, Jerry always buys enough candy for three hundred. I do my part, eating between door-knockers. Once it gets sent away, I brace myself for the coming events.

Birthdays, Thanksgiving, birthdays, Price Christmas Extravaganza, birthdays, Christmas, New Years and birthdays. Candy, cookies, treats, and chips rotate through our kitchen until we both wonder why manufacturers are making clothes smaller.

It is a relief when the end of the holiday season approaches. I purge my cupboards of all the greasy, fatty, sugary festival food. Some of it goes in the garbage can, but usually my mouth demands that I shove a few last bites past my taste buds. It is my poor stomach that pays the price, but that organ is too far down the food chain to do anything about it.

Taste buds are closer to the brain. They always win. The best strategy is to get the junk out of the house.

Nancy Sherer



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