Boom, Boom


The main character in my new writing project may or may not be crazy. I can't tell you which because that is part of the story. Anyway, it is very interesting to me that this character was so easy to create. It is almost as though.... Well, never mind. We all know that I invented her.

The reason I find the topic so interesting is that I have a reputation for attracting the type of people who find tin foil hats necessary. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but several times friends or relatives have intervened to get me out of what they viewed as uncomfortable conversations.

I think it is interesting that some people believe that sugar contains a brain wave machine.

As for my inability to tell the difference between the unfocussed eyes of someone who is mentally ill and a political zealot, well. Brains are small places so there is bound t be some slosh over

Nancy Sherer



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