Does Typing Count as Exercise?


Another January, another health regimen. This year I only put on three pounds during the Hogswatch season. But that is three pounds more than the ten pounds I meant to lose last year. (Heavy sigh. Heavier this year than last.)

A pot of split pea soup is on the stove and mystery meat is thawing out for dinner. This is because when I need to lose weight, food becomes the center of my universe.

That and exercise. For some people, exercise means sports, bicycling, hiking, or other activities that use muscles. I opt for the treadmill at the gym. For one thing, the gym is climate controlled which I consider the basis of all civilization. Thank you Australopithecus for showing us that we don't need to be rained on. The other nice thing about the gym is that... no, that is the only thing.

I'm in pretty good shape. Certainly better than I was ten years ago. But my doctor decided she wanted to see me in January this time which makes me wonder if she's trying to catch me at a bad time.

But then in August when I was in great shape, I asked her why I should waste a co-pay when nothing is wrong?

This time I have interesting news that I wonder if she knows. Dan told me to look up metformin's role in preventing cancer. Apparently it is a bit of a wonder drug.

And now, back to stirring the soup.

Nancy Sherer



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