Spring has settled in with loads of blossoms everywhere I look which makes me wonder, is there no end to the ways Nature can devise to annoy me? I'm not especially allergic to many things except tulips which make my face look like I have the pox, but the vast amount of pollen this time of year is a problem. I think what happens is that once pollen bullies its way into my lungs, it circulates through my bloodstream to my brain. Once there, it looks through my 'to do' lists to see what tricks it can play. Like making me walk into walls, trip over cracks in the sidewalk, and/or forget why I am in whatever particular place I'm at. I take allergy pills which makes it possible to breath, but do nothing for my burning, ringing ears. You'd think all this would make me grumpy, but no. Instead it turns me into a goofy air head, which now that I think about, should be referred to as pollen head.
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