

This is a test blog to see if there is anything funny about being awake at three in the morning for no particular reason.

Mom is visiting for a week. She is sleeping in the room where I left my thesaurus which means that of course I can't think of the word I mean that is like skeptical, but sounds smarter.

Also, I need something off Jerry's computer, but he would go (some word like apoplectic, but not exactly) if I used his computer without him being right there.

There isn't much of anything to do in the middle of the night, which I suppose is why most people spend that time sleeping.

Once, during an insomnia bout about thirty years ago, I decided to go for a walk in the middle of the night. We lived in an apartment building on a main road, but the side streets were undeveloped at the time so there wasn't a sidewalk. Not many street lights on the street I was walking down either, so when I saw headlights in the distance, I thought I would just step off to the side of the road so I wouldn't get run over.

And I landed in a ditch that I never noticed during the day. I drove down that street all the time, but I never noticed the six foot trench that lined it. (See how I had to used the word 'noticed' twice? A thesaurus could fix that.)

Fortunately, there weren't many brambles. The car seemed to slow down as it passed, the driver probably wondering if he just imagined he saw a person disappear. I stayed still because I didn't want anyone to stop and ask if I was all right. Also, I was embarrassed. It is possible that I am now the subject of somebody's ghost story.

I don't walk in the middle of the night anymore. I could claim it's because of some vague danger, but the truth is, I'm too lazy. Also, it makes people's dogs bark.

I know the internet has thesauruses. Jerry would make that plural by saying 'thesuari' either because he thinks that’s funny or he thinks that the plural of anything ending in 'us' should convert to 'i' like cactus and hippopotamus do. He insists on referring to crocuses as croci, and he sounds sincere, but maybe he's joking. Hippopotami? Hippopotamuses?

I don't use thesaureses and dictionaries on the internet for two reasons. First, they aren't really as good as Webster's. Second, I always get distracted when I look for things with the computer. I start out looking for a synonym for 'noticed' and end up playing mine sweeper.

So that's the kind of stuff that goes through my brain at three in the morning.

Nancy Sherer



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